
At Jarvis we recognise every business has different needs and there are many options to consider - from seating comfort to cargo space, from fuel efficiency to C02 emissions and from engineering dynamics, including safety to retained value. That's why we offer you a selection of all-rounded fleet solutions all designed to meet your business needs. As a Fleet or Corporate customer, you will have access to:

  • Fleet discounts
  • Roadside Assistance for vehicles registered with a Business Name
  • Or the choice of the available Retail Offering

To be eligible, you need:

  • A registered ABN
  • Run a fleet of 10 or more vehicles in a company name, or own five vehicles in a company name
  • Have a novated or salary sacrificed vehicle through a approved corporate buyer.

To find out more about our Fleet and Corporate offering, or to organise a quote for a new fleet vehicle, please send an enquiry to our dedicated Fleet representitves.

Enquire Now

Jarvis is a people driven company, focused on providing an environment which creates loyal, satisfied customers and staff.